For the routing and assembly of the PCB, refer to the instructions specified in the previous section. Attached are the Gerber Files and the BOM_Control materials list for you to send to your suppliers.
For final assembly, it is recommended to have the following supplies and equipment: SHV panel connector, cable SHV 5KV 1[m] , cable high voltage 2[m], flux off, plastik, FR4 board 330x215 [mm], M3X20 [mm] spacers, M3 allen key, M3 hex nuts, welding station.
Follow these steps for manufacturing:
1.- Design and 3D print a panel for the 7 SHV connectors, with a height of 20mm to keep the control PCB and the FR4 plate (PWRGND2) separated.
2.- Solder the high-voltage output from the secondary of the transformer HVCHx to the core of the SHV connector for 6 channels. Solder PWRGND2 to 1 SHV connector for work like common power ground.
! Caution ! Apply flux off at solder points to avoid undesirable impedances in high-voltage lines. Apply Plastik (dielectric thickness) at high-voltage points that are close to lower voltage lines. The SHV connector panel must be grounded to PWRGND2.
3.- To insert the common power ground, follow these steps:
• Make 8 holes in the FR4 board, 4 at each end in the following positions (x,y)[mm]: {(10,320), (80,320), (145,320), (205,320); (10,10), (70,10), (135,10), (205,10)}
• Position the M3X20mm spacers on the control PCB that is coupled to the panel with the SHV connectors
• Insert the FR4 board at the other end of the SHV panel
• Tighten both boards with M3 nuts and flip the multi channel HVPG board.
!! Warning !! !! The spacers in the positions (10,10) and (205,320) [mm] should not do contact with power ground. Apply Plastik (dielectric thickness) and remove the copper in this positions of FR4 board.
4.- Inspect the multi channel HVPG board for any defects. Use a tester to check for short circuits between VCC, HV and ground to avoid damaging the circuit before performing functionality tests.